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3D Printer Filaments

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REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Black 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLABLACK10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051536
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Black PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Purple 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAPURPLE10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051468
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Purple PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Light Blue 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLALBLUE10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051390
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Light Blue PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Fluorescent Yellow 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAFYELLOW10MM175)

EAN: 8719345002083
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Yellow PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Fluorescent Green 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLFAGREEN10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051291
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Green PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Fluorescent Orange 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAFORANGE10MM175)

EAN: 8719345002090
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Orange PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Light Green 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLANGREEN10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051437
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Nuclear Green PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Fluorescent Pink 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAFPINK10MM175)

EAN: 8719345002106
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Pink PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Neutral 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLANEUTRAL10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051420
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Neutral PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament White 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAWHITE10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051512
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This White PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Green 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAGREEN10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051376
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Green PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Brown 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLABROWN10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051277
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Brown PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Pink 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAPINK10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051499
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Pink PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Orange 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAORANGE10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051451
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Orange PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PLA 3D PEN Filament Yellow 10 m - 1.75 mm (REAL3DPFPLAYELLOW10MM175)

EAN: 8718237051321
High-quality 3D pen filament (10 m), from Real filaments. This Yellow PLA works with 1.75 mm 3D pens.

REAL PETG 3D Printer Filament -Blue- spool of 0.5Kg - 2.85mm (REALPETGSBLUE500MM300)

EAN: 8719345006401
PETG filament Blue 2.85 mm 500 g for 3D printers is of superior quality, produced in The Netherlands. Real filaments guarantees that the PETG is high-quality and diameter consistent filament, giving you the best 3D printing experience. PETG is great for beginners and novices alike, as it is easy to print and a sweet balance between printability and strong prints. The base material is very clear, so the neutral version delivers semi-transparent results. Within the Real brand we also have PETG available in translucent colors. As the print temperature is higher, the temperature resistance of the print is higher than other materials. If you experience (much) stringing, it is recommended to try a higher temperature. PET-G (Polyethyleentereftalaatglycol) is a very strong, water resistant thermoplastic, with beautiful shiny result. PET is a well known plastic, as it's mostly used in production of soda bottles. In recent years this material has become a very popular material for 3D printing as it combines a number of great properties of both ABS and PLA. Printing with PETG is almost as easy as PLA and requires little more effort. As the bonding with itself is very strong, the first layer should be squished as much as PLA, as the material may blob around the nozzle ruining your print. The layer adhesion is great, making the end result very strong, and bendable instead of breakable as opposed to PLA. PETG doesn't adhere very well to other materials, as glue doesn't have much grip on the material. Another great property of PETG is that the neutral pallets are almost glass like transparent, giving us the opportunity to deliver awesome translucent colors. PET-G can be printed with or without heated bed with little to no warping, using 3DLAC, We recommend using a 65 degrees heated bed however, as the print will come loose automatically when cooling down. For extrusion temperature 245 is the optimum temperature, as lower temperature will result in more stringiness and worse

REAL PLA 3D Printer Filament - Satin Red - spool of 0.5Kg – 2.85mm (REALPLASATINSCARLET500MM285)

EAN: 8719345015199
LA filament Satin Scarlet 2.85 mm 500 g for 3D printers is of superior quality, produced in The Netherlands. Real filaments guarantees that the PLA is high-quality and diameter consistent filament, giving you the best 3D printing experience. PLA is great for beginners to 3D printing, but also novices will find it great to use, as it is easy to work with while still give stunning results. PLA filament is available in multiple colors, but also different types are available within the Real brand. PLA (polylactic acid) filament is amongst the oldest and still the most heavily used mediums in the 3D printing community, mainly due to its benefits as a versatile and environmentally friendly thermoplastic. Both organic and biodegradable, PLA is easily compounded with other ingredients to influence its final properties, for example flexibility and metallically. The uncolored form of Real PLA is a translucent off-white color and has a printing temperature between 195 - 205 degrees (depending on hot end characteristics). Darker colors of Real may require a few extra degrees of temperature due to the coloring process. The filament should extrude smoothly and appear slightly shiny. PLA is denser and tougher than ABS, but is more brittle and susceptible to cracking under high loads. It is also less resistant to the outdoor elements (UV light and water) than other common thermoplastics (see Nylon, ABS and PETG). PLA can print well on an unheated surface using Blue Painters or Kapton tape, and most 3D print stickers. For ease and convenience, we recommend using spray such as 3DLAC on a glass bed. A low bed temperature between 50 - 60 degrees further reduces the chance of warping and makes final print removal easier once the print surface has cooled. Also check out the Real Satin and flex lines of PLA filament for even more options!

REAL PLA Matte 3D Printer Filament - Khaki Gray - Spool of 0.50Kg - 1.75mm (REALPLAMATTEQUARRY500MM175)

EAN: 8719345011993
PLA Matte filament Khaki Gray 1.75 mm 500 g for 3D printers is of superior quality, produced in The Netherlands.Real filaments guarantees high-quality and diameter consistent filament, giving you the best 3D printing experience.

REAL PLA Matte 3D Printer Filament - Black - spool of 0.5Kg - 2.85mm (REALPLAMATTEBLACK500MM285)

EAN: 8719345010637
PLA Matte filament Black 2.85 mm 500 g for 3D printers is of superior quality, produced in The Netherlands.Real filaments guarantees high-quality and diameter consistent filament, giving you the best 3D printing experience.

REAL PLA Sparkle 3D Printer Filament - Sparkle Quartz Orange - spool of 0.5Kg - 1.75mm (REALPLASPRKORANGE500MM175)

EAN: 8719345011351
PLA filament Sparkle Quartz Orange 1.75 mm 500 g for 3D printers is of superior quality, produced in The Netherlands. Real filaments guarantees that the PLA is high-quality and diameter consistent filament, giving you the best 3D printing experience. PLA is great for beginners to 3D printing, but also novices will find it great to use, as it is easy to work with while still give stunning results. PLA filament is available in multiple colors, but also different types are available within the Real brand. PLA (polylactic acid) filament is amongst the oldest and still the most heavily used mediums in the 3D printing community, mainly due to its benefits as a versatile and environmentally friendly thermoplastic. Both organic and biodegradable, PLA is easily compounded with other ingredients to influence its final properties, for example flexibility and metallically. The uncolored form of Real PLA is a translucent off-white color and has a printing temperature between 195 - 205 degrees (depending on hot end characteristics). Darker colors of Real may require a few extra degrees of temperature due to the coloring process. The filament should extrude smoothly and appear slightly shiny. PLA is denser and tougher than ABS, but is more brittle and susceptible to cracking under high loads. It is also less resistant to the outdoor elements (UV light and water) than other common thermoplastics (see Nylon, ABS and PETG). PLA can print well on an unheated surface using Blue Painters or Kapton tape, and most 3D print stickers. For ease and convenience, we recommend using spray such as 3DLAC on a glass bed. A low bed temperature between 50 - 60 degrees further reduces the chance of warping and makes final print removal easier once the print surface has cooled. Also check out the Real Satin and flex lines of PLA filament for even more options!

REAL PETG 3D Printer Filament - Red - spool of 0.5Kg - 2.85mm (REALPETGSRED500MM300)

EAN: 8719345000812
PETG filament Red 2.85 mm 500 g for 3D printers is of superior quality, produced in The Netherlands. Real filaments guarantees that the PETG is high-quality and diameter consistent filament, giving you the best 3D printing experience. PETG is great for beginners and novices alike, as it is easy to print and a sweet balance between printability and strong prints. The base material is very clear, so the neutral version delivers semi-transparent results. Within the Real brand we also have PETG available in translucent colors. As the print temperature is higher, the temperature resistance of the print is higher than other materials. If you experience (much) stringing, it is recommended to try a higher temperature. PET-G (Polyethyleentereftalaatglycol) is a very strong, water resistant thermoplastic, with beautiful shiny result. PET is a well known plastic, as it's mostly used in production of soda bottles. In recent years this material has become a very popular material for 3D printing as it combines a number of great properties of both ABS and PLA. Printing with PETG is almost as easy as PLA and requires little more effort. As the bonding with itself is very strong, the first layer should be squished as much as PLA, as the material may blob around the nozzle ruining your print. The layer adhesion is great, making the end result very strong, and bendable instead of breakable as opposed to PLA. PETG doesn't adhere very well to other materials, as glue doesn't have much grip on the material. Another great property of PETG is that the neutral pallets are almost glass like transparent, giving us the opportunity to deliver awesome translucent colors. PET-G can be printed with or without heated bed with little to no warping, using 3DLAC, We recommend using a 65 degrees heated bed however, as the print will come loose automatically when cooling down. For extrusion temperature 245 is the optimum temperature, as lower temperature will result in more stringiness and worse a
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3D Printer Filaments

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