Manage the costs of your print environment and ensure the security of your documents from the Cloud.
Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan improves the visibility of print-related costs on Kyocera devices, and is aimed at companies striving to easily install and configure a print management solution, without adding the disadvantages of server related costs.
With Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan, documents are scanned directly to the cloud, and capital expenses of having a dedicated on-site print server are removed, providing small and medium-sized businesses with the perfect solution when it comes to increased document security and management of print costs.
Manage the costs of your print environment and ensure the security of your documents from the Cloud.
Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan improves the visibility of print-related costs on Kyocera devices, and is aimed at companies striving to easily install and configure a print management solution, without adding the disadvantages of server related costs.
With Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan, documents are scanned directly to the cloud, and capital expenses of having a dedicated on-site print server are removed, providing small and medium-sized businesses with the perfect solution when it comes to increased document security and management of print costs.
Manage the costs of your print environment and ensure the security of your documents from the Cloud.
Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan improves the visibility of print-related costs on Kyocera devices, and is aimed at companies striving to easily install and configure a print management solution, without adding the disadvantages of server related costs.
With Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan, documents are scanned directly to the cloud, and capital expenses of having a dedicated on-site print server are removed, providing small and medium-sized businesses with the perfect solution when it comes to increased document security and management of print costs.
Για 1 υπολογιστή ή Mac - Για 1 χρήστη
Εφάπαξ αγορά για 1 PC ή Mac
Κλασικές εκδόσεις υπολογιστή για το 2024 των εφαρμογών Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook και OneNote
Διαθέσιμο σε 32-bit και 64-bit
Πρόσβαση σε πόρους υποστήριξης
Συμβατό με Windows 11, Windows 10 ή macOS
Λειτουργεί με το Microsoft Teams